
The following policies guide the work of the Office of Internal Audit.

Fraud and Ethics Reporting

University employees are required to report fraudulent activity and unethical behavior to their supervisor. If employees do not feel comfortable reporting concerns directly to their supervisor, the fraud and ethics reporting hotline is available. 

Code of Ethics

All faculty, staff, officers, students, and volunteers acting on behalf of the university have a responsibility to work towards the fulfillment of our mission and to conduct themselves ethically, with the highest integrity, and in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

Whistleblower Protection

Employees who engage in good-faith disclosure of alleged unlawful or unethical concerns are protected from retaliation.


All employees are responsible for safety and expected to report accidents, unsafe working conditions or hazards of any nature first to their immediate supervisor who shall report the situation to the appropriate person for action. 

Internal Control Manual

The control model for the university is the Integrated Framework of Internal Control. Internal controls are designed to assure that the university meets its mission, promotes performance leading to effective accomplishment of objectives and goals, safeguards assets, provides accurate and reliable financial and other key data, promotes operational efficiency and economy, and encourages adherence to applicable laws, regulations and prescribed management policies and practices.