File a Report

Below is a list of categories for reporting concerns related to fraud, waste, and abuse. This list is not exhaustive, but is intended to assist you in identifying the type of issue that matches your concern.

Clicking on links in this section will redirect you to a confidential and secure reporting site hosted by EthicsPoint. Reports through this system are not handled immediately. If this is an emergency, dial 911 or UOPD at 541-346-2919.

Academic & Student AffairsAcademic Misconduct
Alcohol / Drug Abuse
Cheating / Plagiarism
Credentials Misrepresentation
Financial Aid
Sexual Harassment
Student Travel
Accounting & FinancialConflict of Interest and Purchasing Ethics
Donor Stewardship
Falsification of Contracts, Reports or Records
Improper Disclosure of Confidential or Sensitive Records
Misuse of University Assets
Payroll and Time Abuse
Purchasing and Expenditures
Theft or Conversion of University Property
AthleticsAcademic Misconduct
Eligibility Matters
Financial Aid Misconduct
Gambling or Fraudulent Activities
Improper Giving or Gifts
Inappropriate Agent Activities
Misuse of Athletic Department Property, Endorsements
Recruiting Misconduct
Sexual Misconduct
Substance Abuse
Human ResourcesAmerican Disability Act Matters
Conflict of Interest
Discrimination or Harassment
Employee Benefits Abuses
Employee Misconduct
Hostile Work Environment
Inappropriate Supervisor Directive
Offensive or Inappropriate Communication
Sexual Harassment
Unsafe Working/Living Conditions
Workers Compensation or Disability Benefits Abuses
Information TechnologyData Privacy/Data Integrity
Malicious / Inappropriate Use of Technology
Software Piracy/Intellectual Property Infringement
ResearchConflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment
Data Privacy
Environmental and Safety Matters
Human or Animal Research
Intellectual Property Infringement, Misappropriation or Disclosure
Research Grant Misconduct or Misappropriation of Costs
Research/Scientific Misconduct
Risk & Safety

Environmental, Safety, & Security Matters

If this is an emergency, dial 911 or UOPD at 541-346-2919. 

University Health ProgramsHealthcare Fraud
Insurance Issues
Patient Abuse/Physical or Verbal
Patient Care/Rights
Patient Privacy